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webber吉他TXT谱《the music of the night from the phantom》

5   3   -4   3

soft-ly, deft-ly,

5  -5   6   -6  -5   6

mus-ic shall ca-ress you,

5   3   -4   3

hear it, feel it,

4  -4   5  -5  -4   6

se-cret-ly pos-sess you,

-6 7  7   7    -8

o-pen up your mind,

7 -7 -6 7 7 7 -8
let your fan-tas-ies un-wind,

7 -7   -6   7

in the dark-ness,

7   7   -8

which you know,

7   -6  5    6

you can-not fight,

5    5   -4  -4  5  -5  6    5  -4   4

the dark-ness of the mu-sic, of the night.


