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Arabian Flute (阿拉伯笛子)

This is a melodic scale. Just run up and down the scale and it sounds like you have been playing this kind of music for years. It has a pinki hole too. Consider the Arabian like the minor, going up and down the scale and stopping here and there.


Egyptian Flute(埃及笛子)

Although Neys are found in the Arabic world from Morocco to Pakistan, Persia, and Turkey, it is said to have started over 5,000 years ago in Ancient Egypt. Seen in tomb paintings in pyramids and still played in some Ethiopian tribes. It is one of the oldest forms of flutes. The Museum in Cairo shows some very primitive Neys that bear striking similarities to the simple cane instruments that are still found in Egypt today


The Meditation Flute(冥想笛子)

The Meditation Flute helps to bring you to the other side of the hustle and bustle of our modern paced blurr. First made in 1976. I was about to open the smaller holes on this new creation when I decided to see what I had and I'm glad I did.


Oriental Flute (远东笛子)

Japanese Shakuhachi Tuning -- 21 inches

This is a most unusual flute, in deep mellow harmonic tones


The Easy Kiowa Love Flute简易的凯欧瓦人(美国俄克拉何马州印第安人)情侣笛

The Native American courting flute, with soft sensitive tones, a pentatonic scale, restful and creative, anything you do sounds lovely.

Easy to play! Great for beginners! Just blow softly into the top hole like a recorder. See the history for the Kiowa Love Flute along with lessons and songs. If your hands are small grab the Gal flute. It will have a brighter voice but it will still be sweet.


Jiahu Crane Flute

An end blown, high pitched pentatonic flute. Made of bamboo. Inspired by an archeological find in Henan China from ancient flutes.


A great Oriental feel.

Mysterious, fun and easy. It is a modified Japanese Side Blown Kokin Flute.


