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德国提琴家茱莉亚.费舍尔(Julia Fischer) -小提琴随想曲介绍

  朱莉亚-费舍尔(Julia Fischer),德国小提琴家,1983年生于德国慕尼黑,母亲是钢琴家,父亲是数学家,4岁起开始学习小提琴,几个月后又同时跟他妈妈学钢琴,至今仍不时弹奏钢琴,自己觉得成为小提琴演奏家而不是钢琴家纯属机缘巧合,今年首次以钢琴家姿态演奏了格里格钢琴协奏曲。9岁进入慕尼黑音乐学院学习。现任法兰克福音乐学院教授。

  Julia Fischer (born June 15, 1983(1983-06-15)) is a German violinist. By training she is also a professional pianist, but she rarely appears as such in public. Julia Fischer, born in Munich, Germany, is of German-Slovakian parentage. Her mother, Viera Fischer (née Krenková), came from the German minority in Slovakia and immigrated from Košice, Slovakia to the Federal Republic of Germany in 1972. Her father, Frank-Michael Fischer, a mathematician who was born in East Germany, moved in the same year from Eastern Saxony to West Germany. Fischer began her studies before her fourth birthday, when she received her first violin lesson from Helge Thelen; a few months later she started studying the piano with her mother, Viera Fischer. Fischer said, "my mother's a pianist and I wanted to play the piano as well, but as my elder brother also played the piano, she thought it would be nice to have another instrument in the family. I agreed to try out the violin and stayed with it."She began her formal violin education at the Leopold Mozart Conservatory in Augsburg, under the tutelage of Lydia Dubrowskaya. At the age of nine Julia Fischer was admitted to the Munich Academy of Music, where she continues to work with Ana Chumachenco. As a teenager she was inspired mostly by Glenn Gould and by Evgeny Kissin and Maxim Vengerov. She has worked with internationally acclaimed conductors, such as Lorin Maazel, Christoph Eschenbach, Yakov Kreizberg, Yuri Temirkanov, Sir Neville Marriner, David Zinman, Zdeněk Mácal, Jun Märkl, Ruben Gazarian, Marek Janowski, Herbert Blomstedt, Michael Tilson Thomas and with a variety of top German, American, British, Polish, French, Italian, Swiss, Dutch, Norwegian, Russian, Japanese, Czech and Slovakian orchestras. Julia Fischer has performed in most European countries, the United States, Brazil and Japan; in concerts broadcast on TV and radio in every major European country, as well as on many US, Japanese and Australian radio stations.


