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  There are 3 types of triple tonguing. The TTK in the Arban book, TKT,KTK (alternating ) in the James Burke "New Directions in Tonguing " book and the rolling Ta-Da-Ga taught in Jacoby's book "Jake's Method".

  TTK - TTK, TKT-KTK, & Ta Da Ga are different concepts. There are 3 prevalent triple tonguing concepts. Whereas changing Tu-Tu-Ku into Ta-Ta-Ka , or Da-Da-Ga, or Di-Di-Gi is merely using different syllables. These 4 examples all fall under the Arban TTK .

  These represent lighter syllables and are quicker to use. The shorter the tongue has to move the faster the tonguing can be. I wrote them in order from heavest - slowest to lightest - quickest. The stroke involving the forward part of the tongue is Tu, Ta, Ti, Da and Di.

  The rolling tongue needs to be Ta Da Ga - Ta Da Ga or Ti Di Gi. So while there are 3 concepts there are alternate syllables to adjust for style of sound or  speed.

  The alternate syllables work on double tonguing as well Tu-Ku , Ta-Ka, Da-Ga or Di-Gi.

  The same set of syllables is useful in single tonguing also.  Tu, Ta, Ti, Da and Di. The Ta is the most useful.

  To work on speeding up tonguing skills use softer syllables like ta da or di. Also work with a metronome. Start at 1/16 notes ,60 beats per minute. Every 15 - 20 seconds speed up 10 beats per minute. Make a note of the problem speeds and work on these. Do this with single, double and triple tonguing .



  TTK - TTK, TKT-KTK, 和Ta Da Ga是三种不同的概念。这是三种普遍流行使用的概念。但是,把Tu-Tu-Ku 变成 Ta-Ta-Ka , 或 Da-Da-Ga, 或者是Di-Di-Gi其实只是用了不同的符号而已。其实所有这些全都源于阿尔班教程里的TTK。

  但是来源于TTK的这些符号(像Da-Da-Ga,Di-Di-Gi)是一种更“轻”的符号,可以更快的发音。因为舌头运动的路径越短,它就能运动的越快。从Tu, Ta, Ti, Da, Di是按照舌头的运动路径由长到短,即运动速度由慢到快的顺序来写的(注:这也是按照吹奏音由低到高来写的)。

  这里我们用舌头发出Ta Da Ga - Ta Da Ga或Ti Di Gi,其中符号的交换是为了发出不同音高的声音或者是调整速度以便有更快的吐音。

  如果在双吐里就像这样:Tu-Ku , Ta-Ka, Da-Ga 或 Di-Gi。

  在单吐里也同样运这些符号:Tu, Ta, Ti, Da 和 Di。其中的Ta较为有效。

  为了提高吐音的速度,我们经常使用更轻些的符号发音,像:Ta,Da,Di. 而且还需要一个节拍器。用16分音符,每分钟60拍,每15到20秒提高10拍。这种方法单吐、双吐、三吐都能使用。


