主页 > 尤克里里 > 尤克里里曲谱 >

One in A Million(Guns N Rose) ukulele弹唱谱

second guitar...
comes in after acoustic finishes.

             (fill)   (Main guitar riff)
          ^ ^                 ^ ^ ^           ^ ^   ^   ^   ^
^ (accented notes)

play it over and over until you’re fingers bleed
(this is distorted guitar..light distortion)
that was how I played it....I don’t know if it’s right or not... Later, Merlin

Correction (at the part you play the C chord in the verse it goes):

Addition: (the chorus)

it just kind of repeats until that little ending of the chorus, but that
part is somewhere around these chords too.

C                G         G(2) D                            A
You’re one in a million         {1.3. yeah, that’s what you are___}
                                 {2. you’re a shooting       star__}

A5 A6 A5  A6  C                 G             D                     A
                You’re one in a million, babe   {you’re a shooting star________}
                                                {       you know that you are__}

C                        G      G(2)  D                    A   A5 A6 A5  A6
    Maybe someday we’ll see you         before you make us cry
C                          G         D                     E
    you know we tried to reach you   but you were much to high_________

much to high  {1.2. much too high___________________ much too high__
              {3.   much too high________________ yeah_ yeah_









